More AUDITIONS for MEDEA, the 2018 Randolph College Greek Play: April 23

Medea imageAUDITIONS


Auditions are Monday, April 23, 3 to 4:30pm,
(Smith Hall Theatre if it rains)


Gender-Blind Casting

we are seeking

Chorus Members

  • Singing and dancing CORINTHIAN WOMEN

You needn’t have experience, and you needn’t be a woman, but you’ll need to be able to stay on pitch, be heard, and be able to take choreographic direction.  We will also be casting understudies for other roles in the play. 

The show is October 3–7, 2018.
Ask Prof. Cohen your questions: or x8306
If you can’t make the audition date, get in touch with Prof. Cohen asap.

MEDEA Auditions Scheduled

Auditions for the 2018 Randolph College Greek Play, Medea, by Euripides, will be March 18 at 4pm in the Dell (or Smith Theatre if the weather is bad).

Why in March for an October show?  Because we cast early to be able to prepare masks and to give you the summer to learn your lines.

But we hold more auditions right when school starts for incoming first years and people who’ve been off campus this spring.

More answers to your questions in the FAQ.  And, as always, you can ask Prof. Cohen whatever you need to konw.

The CAST (so far) of THE FROGS!

Jordann Pruitt

Xanthias, Aeschylus
Quan (Sam) Sun

Heracles, Charon, Servant, Plathane, Pluto
Daisy Howard

Corpse, Doorkeeper, Landlady, Euripides
Michael Pulliam

Chorus Leader (Head Frog and Mystery Keeper)
Eric Huber

Chorus of Frogs/Chorus of Initiates
Yueyin (Carlie) Xiong

…more to be cast soon…

Attendants of All Varieties
Kaitlyn Evans
Matthew Gibson

…more to be cast soon…


ThaliaTHALIA, the Muse of Comedy,

heralds the coming of the 2016 Randolph College Greek Play



Aristophanes’ THE FROGS

in which Dionysus goes to Hades to bring back a poet and save the world 

are Tuesday, April 26*

4:30 to 7pm, in The Dell (Nichols Theatre if it rains)

Details in this post or the FAQ, including “Why on earth are auditions during the last week of class?!?”

Can’t make it? Questions? FrogsImage


IMG_8239Usually MELPOMENE, the Muse of Tragedy, is the one in charge of things in the Dell.  But this year, she’s simply paving the way for her sister Thalia, the Muse of Comedy, who is on her way to bring you The Frogs.

But YOU have to complete this picture.

Audition for the 2016 Randolph College Greek Play: THE FROGS.  

Details in this post or the FAQ, including “Why on earth are auditions during the last week of class?!?”

Let us know we can expect you.

Tragedy plays hell with the costumes! *%&$ blood!

Tragedy plays hell with the costumes! *%&$ blood!

And you can always ask Prof. Cohen your questions.

Ares for THE FROGS

IMG_8130The god ARES needs some comic relief!  He’ll fight anyone who’s not a fan of the Randolph College Greek Play!

Audition for the 2016 Randolph College Greek Play: THE FROGS.  

Details in this post or the FAQ, including “Why on earth are auditions during the last week of class?!?”

Let us know we can expect you.

And you can always ask Prof. Cohen your questions.

Thalia (on the right) keeps the contention between Athena and Ares lighthearted.

Thalia (on the right) keeps the contention between Athena and Ares lighthearted.

Athena for THE FROGS

IMG_8128Even the stern goddess ATHENA can’t resist a comedy.

Audition for the 2016 Randolph College Greek Play: THE FROGS.  

Details in this post or the FAQ, including “Why on earth are auditions during the last week of class?!?”

Let us know we can expect you.

And you can always ask Prof. Cohen your questions.

Thalia (on the right) keeps the contention between Athena and Ares lighthearted.

Thalia (on the right) keeps the contention between Athena and Ares lighthearted.